Having Patience with the Technology-Impaired
A guide for helping people who may be less tech literate than you.
404 words
2 minutes
Modern Social Media Icons
A set of over 130 modern social media icons.
154 words
1 minute
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Standing Out - Your Personal Brand
How you can build your personal brand and stand out from others.
260 words
1 minute
What Happened to Foursquare?
Foursquare, the geolocation app, has updated and migrated its check-in service to a new app called Swarm.
197 words
1 minute
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Introducing My New Website
The new look and feel of davidvkimball.com.
95 words
1 minute
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Does Author's Intent matter in literature or games?
My opinions about author intent vs. game designer's intent.
339 words
2 minutes
How to Network Online
Using what you love to make meaningful connections online.
735 words
4 minutes
5 Reasons Windows Phone is the Best Choice
What sets Windows Phone apart from the other smartphone choices and why I consider it the best option.
231 words
1 minute
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