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Standing Out - Your Personal Brand


In 2015, we are barraged with information. In fact, the amount of content shared online each year is doubling.

This means you need to stand out. But what sets you apart from the average Joe?

You need to be more than just a user, you need a to be a brand

People need to think of Joe Blo as Joe the Trumpet Guy, or Joe the Cruise Coordinator. Brands give you an identity, a set of goals, and lots of opportunities.

What is your brand? Think about your passions. Think about what you want to be known for, or what you want to be associated with.

I want to be known as an advocate and evangelist, a persuader, and an influencer. I want to be associated with technology, social media, and networking. This is how I built my brand.

You can do it, too. If in doubt, ask friends and peers what they associate you with, or have them tell you what you are passionate about.

Try to make your brand niche. “Bob the worker” is too generic. Use a combination of your skills and passions to give you a unique spin. Make people think of you as “Bob the comedic caterer” or “Bob the financially-secure environmentalist.”

Once you find your brand, embrace it. Steep yourself in it. Become active in communities relating to it. Write on it. Connect with others that share similarities with it. 

Here’s an article I wrote with more information on utilizing your passion to network with others.

Find your brand and start engaging with it now.

Have a question or just want to say hi? Send me a tweet.

Standing Out - Your Personal Brand
David V. Kimball
Published at