About Me#

Hi! 👋 I’m David, nice to meet you. If you made it to this page, it’s possible you’re trying to reach me. If you’d like to contact me directly, drop me a line and let’s connect.



I’m a digital marketing professional who loves tech, working on projects, and a good conversation. I was born and raised in the pacific northwest United States where I also currently live with my wife, Esther. I have a B.A. in Communication from Northwest University and have worked remotely since 2018.

I am an optimistic futurist and hold to the traditional Judeo-Christian ethic (the cultural tension that arises from balancing these two beliefs notwithstanding).


  • Truth: seek the truth, tell the truth, and live the truth.
  • Love: love my neighbor and my enemy.
  • Gratitude: be grateful daily.
  • Lifelong Learning: there’s always room for improvement or new knowledge.
  • Self-control: ironically, self-imposed moral chains maximize freedom.

Optimistic Futurism#

Technology chiefly makes our lives better. Bad technology will always be beaten by better technology. Abuse through technology can be corrected with ethical use of technology.

Like anything, tech is a tool that can be used for good or ill. By-and-large, however, I believe the pros far outweigh the cons, and history is evidence of that.

Fewer people are living in poverty today compared to any other time in the world. Capabilities in communication, transportation, learning, and productivity have been drastically accelerated with the use of new technology.

History favors the adaptable and the resilient. With innovation sometimes comes growing pains and resistance. But the early adopters have an exciting head start over the wave of laggards.

Technology enables more transparency and accountability. Opensource software, for example, allows for knowledge-sharing, collaborative development, and peer review.

We’re no longer arbitrarily bound by physical location. We can connect and collaborate with anyone around the world to accomplish great things. Global interconnectedness unlocks a universe of previously-untapped potential we’re just beginning to see.

Christian Philosophy#

The Logos#

Jesus Christ is God and pre-exists creation. “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” John 1:1. The Logos is essentially divine reason and the source of intellectual, moral, and spiritual life of man. It is also distinctly personal and eternal. I believe pursuit of the Logos is our highest aim.

Imago Dei#

Imago Dei, or “image of God,” is fundamental to my understanding of human sacredness and dignity. “So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.” Genesis 1:27. Every person is created in the image and likeness of the divine, which bestows inherent worth and value upon each individual irrespective of life experience, economic status, religion, creed, or immutable characteristics.

Sola Gratia#

Salvation comes to us by unmerited favor, thus sola gratia - through divine grace alone. “For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast.” Ephesians 2:8-9. Believers may bear good fruit through good works, but salvation is not achieved through our own merit, but by through grace by faith.

Confessio Fidei#

Salvation is for those with faith who confess outwardly and believe inwardly. “…if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.” Romans 10:9. This verse is foundational for understanding Christian salvation.

Magnum Mandatum#

The Great Commission is to proclaim the gospel far and wide. “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit…” Matthew 28:19. I desire to share the good news with anyone who will listen.

Political Philosophy#

Individual Liberty and Negative Rights#

Everyone has the right to life, liberty, and property: these are fundamental negative rights. These encompass the right to privacy, freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom of expression, freedom from aggression, freedom of association, and freedom from enslavement. Positive rights, or those that require labor from others, are a fallacy (outside the family unit), as they necessitate compulsion through force, infringing upon the inalienable rights of others.

Strong Families Improve Society#

Stable families are the bedrock of a prosperous society. Parents in solid marriages are most effective in nurturing, educating, and instilling positive values in their children, who grow into responsible, productive adults. Parents should be the primary authority on what is good, moral, and true for their children—not the state.

Free Markets Create A Better Life for Everyone#

Through voluntary exchange, free markets allocate resources efficiently and spur innovation, allowing people to pursue their interests and maximize their well-being. The freedom to start and grow businesses unencumbered by excessive regulations unleashes human creativity and potential. Unrestricted entrepreneurship drives economic growth and raises living standards for everyone. A highly specialized and cooperative free market supercharges advancements in knowledge, skills, and resources.

Governments Inevitably Become Tyrannical#

Government, by its nature, tends to expand its power and encroach on individual freedoms. Since government tilts towards corruption as it grows, it should be as decentralized and localized as possible (if it exists at all). Both governments and businesses are comprised of self-interested people; however, only businesses have an incentive to function efficiently and effectively. Governments, by contrast, have no risk of going bankrupt, face no competition, and aren’t necessarily subject to third-party quality standards. Those in government are, therefore, only interested in obtaining power and staying in power.

Taxation is Extortion#

Taking individuals’ money without their consent is a gross exercise of the government’s brute power. Citizens create wealth, produce items of value, and earn money and property from hard work and effort—only to have the government take a portion without earning it. Anyone who resists is unduly punished, and there is no opt-out option.

Content Disclaimer#

As the dates of these posts span the past 15+ years, my mind has changed on many topics and any material should be understood as it was written in its current time. Furthermore, I anticipate my mind will change again in another 15 years.

Also - I am not now, nor probably ever will be, affiliated with Nintendo in any way. I will occasionally discuss or create content around Nintendo games or IP, but no such activity should be construed as an affiliation with, endorsement by, or otherwise official association with Nintendo.

Other Blog Posts#

While this website should be considered the primary source for new posts, additional or older blog posts can be found on Tumblr, WordPress, Blogger, Weebly, LinkedIn, and Medium. The same content disclaimer applies to these sources as well.

Website Credits#

This website was built with and modified from the Fuwari template.

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